Thursday, September 30, 2010

Run DC - Tidal Basin Run

The Tidal Basin run was something I stumbled on when doing my 'Coffee with President Lincoln' run; I felt good that day and wanted to keep going. If you're a DC area resident like myself you've probably been to the Tidal Basin or at least to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial and have seen other running around the edge of the beautiful water. I was one such runner a couple of weekends ago and quite enjoyed it.

The water is peaceful and I love that I can be in a city that is so huge and so full of people and yet I can find spots in the middle of all of that with some peace. As I was running alone I even pushed myself to pick up the pace as some of the spot along the route were kind of hidden from view and as you'll notice when reading my posts I am kind of paranoid about running alone.

The best part of the entire run was finding the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial and being able to take a breather and walk around the park. It is a very large memorial , quite spread out and because I was there at about 830 in the morning not crowded at all. It inspired me to push out the rest of the run to the Jefferson Memorial and finish back at the National Mall.

All in all a fairly short run if you start and end at the mall (3 miles) but I like to add this to other area runs to mix it up a bit or as part of a Run/Walk day.

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